While I’m not the hugest Hip-Hop head, I know good music when I hear it, so please believe I will be copping it on tomorrow. One of the things that I’ve always respected about Outkast is that they never played it safe when it came to their music; Big Boi is continuing that tradition with his solo LP. While many of today’s established acts are content with churning out the same drab musical offerings, Sir Lucious Left Foot... is like a breath of fresh air. The production is SICK (I like the lead single Shutterbugg, but General Patton is the OBVIOUS standout) so this could be the soundtrack for the summer.
And let me add, Big Boi is an extremely down to earth artist. Although a VIP area was set up, I watched him take countless pictures, sign autographs, and do interviews all night (I even got a picture and a hug). You’d have thought he was with friends and not at a promotional event. He’s been in the game for a while but still appreciates his fans and grinds like a new artist (up & coming artists take note!) and that’s a pleasure to see. You can’t help by support an artist like that.
Anyhoo, below are a few pictures from the night, but go to NDLOOP.NET to see the rest!
So readers, where any of you at the listening session? What did you think of the album? Take a moment to comment and keep us N D Loop!
"Sir Lucious Leftfoot" is the dopest hip hop album to drop this year!